Wednesday 3 December 2008

TIme.. Time .. Time..

It's time again for me to post.
It's time again for Christmas.
It's time again for the AGS forum's clock to be out.
It's time again for me to post in the general forums and get a very cocky answer to something that worth pointing out.
It's time again for me to get annoyed over someone who I have never met, who I have never personally attacked or had any previous annoyance towards, yet will not give me any respect.
It's time again for me to get a "sense of humour".
It's time again for vista to mess up my computer.
It's time again for me to choose over work, uni and social life.
It's time again for me to sit exams soon and still feel like I don't know anything.
It's time again for me to get a life.
It's time again for me to post.


Anonymous said...

and time for me to write an unuseful comment

IndieBoy said...


Sylvr said...

It's time for you to not be so sad, Ind :\