Friday 17 April 2009

Deja vu!

Here is an update and to honor Ben's double post I shall double post about the same thing! YEAH!

So I took Ben's advice and tried to think about how I walked so I noticed I don't really lift my legs that much as he said, but I estimated I didn't lift my feet really higher than my foot's height. So I took that as a reference for my revision of the walkcycle and upadted the poor fellow. 

I noticed the guy's shoe size changed nearly every frame so I tried to sort that out too. Also I added the bob, but it makes it look more stampy ¬¬

Plus I tried to show some movement on his shirt and things. So I'm pretty pleased with him now. 

But saying that...

1 comment:

Ben304 said...

The extra detail is worth it!

Now, make the game ;)